April 14th 2024


Add cards in empty pages, pre-filled deck title

[Version 3.7]
Fresh out of the oven πŸ”₯

1. You can now add flashcards for pages where our Zuki AI has not generated any cards.
2. The deck title is now prefilled with your PDF file name.

Bug Report 🐞

And finally β€” a few more issues we fixed as well as small enhancements!

  1. We have added a loading indicator to the page selection boxes to indicate something is happening.

  2. The "next" button is disabled in the page selection boxes until the boxes have been rendered to avoid the "0 character bug".

  3. Encrypted PDFs now show a custom error message immediatley after uploading so that you can know that your PDF has been encrypted and cannot be read by our engine.

Thank you once again for supporting PDF2Anki. We are a small team of medical students with a mission to help you streamline your learning process. Happy learning!

PDF2Anki Team

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